Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Speed-Up Your Slow Computer

Computer Running Slow
Tips to speed up your slow PC

Slow Computer?
by Wolfdave

There are many ways to improve a computer running slow.
Adding more RAM (memory) to your slow computer will improve its resources.
Windows XP will operate with 256Mb of memory although it is recognized that
512Mb is the minimum ammount you should have. However, with your Anti-Virus,
Anti-Spam and Firewall, all using more and more resources these days, 1Ghz of RAM
Is now recommended for XP.
You could also purchase a faster CPU to improve speed, providing your Motherboard
Will accept a faster version.
If your Computer has become slower over time, there is usually a reason, or several
Is your Hard Drive cluttered up with unused programs and files?
Check your Hard Drive Space by clicking on Start, then My Computer. Next, click once on
Your main drive – usually C to highlight it. Then click on ‘File’ top left, then ‘Properties’.
You will now see a Pie chart showing you Hard Drive. It will show how much Free Space
You have left. Note also the ‘Disc Clean-Up’ button. This is a System Tool that will delete
Any files it considers you no longer need, like Temporary Internet Files.
Please Note: Before using any System Tools, you should Back-Up your files and also create
A System Restore Point – Just in case.
Removing files and programs you no longer use will also free up space and improve the
Speed of your PC.
The important rule here: Only delete files and programs that you yourself created. So, any
Word documents for example, that you created and no longer need. All those Digital
Pictures, you could copy them to CD or an external removable Hard Drive, then delete
them from your PC. The same with all your Music Files.
If your PC came with a Game pre-installed, do not remove it, even if you have never
Played this game and have no intention of ever playing it.
This is because that game may share files with other programs on your computer. Programs
Which you do use. Delete this game and your other programs will not work!
Create a System Restore Point at least once a week and definately before making any
changes or running new software.
Other Things you could try:
Run a full sytem scan with your Anti-Virus. Do the same with your Anti-Spyware.
A sudden slowing of your PC could mean you have a ‘BUG’ in your system.
Back Up your Files, then run the Disc Clean Up mentioned earlier, then Defragment your
Disk drive. The defrag utility is a must for improving your hard drives performance.
Run a Registry Clean-Up utility. This will also improve the Start-Up speed of your PC.

If you need a some excellent help and advice with your PC. Check out this ebook, Here